Hey there! My name is Jennifer Palacio. I am studying to be a Speech-Language Pathologist by day and am an artist by night. I am 24, married, and loving life!

I started The B.E. Collective after several years of creating art. The name comes from my brand I started a long time ago, Beautiful Expectations. It's simply a name that holds true to where I started and yet allows for more to be added to the collective. In this space, you will find creativity, inspiration, kindness, and most importantly—beautiful expectations.

Expectations are not often met, as life doesn’t usually turn out how we would like it to. Here at Beautiful Expectations, I want you to come to expect beauty in all things! I create to share what I find beautiful and I hope to capture the likeness of my inspiration.

Here's a glimpse into my heart and my purpose:

I struggle deeply with holding on to unattainable or unrealistic expectations. As a planner, I often think about the situation I'm about to enter. For example, I had grad school interviews a couple of months ago and thought through *every* scenario I could. I attempted to enter the situations with no expectations, but deep down I held on to the idea that I probably won't measure up to those around me. I expected to feel nervous and not worthy for this next step. When those feelings crept in, I let them stay longer than I should have. I did just fine at the interviews, but I put myself through unnecessary stress. SO. This is why I create. This is my WHY. I want to push MYSELF to have beautiful expectations. In that situation, I should have expected that God prepared me (which he did) and trusted that I would be confident. I'm not suggesting we should have lofty expectations...just ones filled with more beauty, grace, and hope. Every time I create, it serves as a reminder to have Beautiful Expectations and I want to spread that mindset to all of you. So, that is why The B.E. Collective was created—may this become a collective place to share beauty with each other.